Indiana Country

Friday, March 12, 2010

I rest my case.

Possum Days...

Miss Possum was thinking of setting up house under the chicken coop...She found a lovely little home at Anderson Falls instead.

Scott "Hatter"...a maker of mens hats.

Anyone who knows Scott is well aware of his interest in hats! From pots to animals...nothing is safe from a hat tryout.

Will they stay this year....

This may be the pair that wandered in and out of the pond last year...They seem unhappy about all visitors even if you stay well away from them. Last year I thought they were nesting but then one day they did not return.
They fly into the pond at about six thirty each morning. Somewhere around mid day they fly away returning hours later and then leaving again before dark.
I think if they do nest here I won't be able to get near the pond for months...

Nests in Waiting